
7 Tips For Practicing Sports In The Summer


You like to stay in shape, and you’re determined to achieve your goal, no matter what the weather is like. Just make sure you stay safe. That’s why you’ve also got summer sports on your agenda.

It’s important to take a few precautions in the summer to avoid heat stroke when exercising. Are you in need of some tips for staying fit during the summer?

1. It’s important to stay hydrated

Make sure you drink plenty of fluids. As we’ve already discussed, hydration is a key issue in the summer months. Dehydration can do a number on you this time of year, so it’s important to keep it at bay!

It’s also worth noting that you tend to sweat more in the summer when you’re exercising, so it’s important to keep replacing the water you’re losing. And that’s where staying hydrated is key. Water and even isotonic drinks will help you stay cool and prevent heat stroke while you’re working out.

Do you have a magic number in mind? It’s a good idea to drink two glasses of water before you start and then every 15 minutes or so.

2. The best time of day to work out

If you’re exercising outdoors, it’s important to be mindful of the time of day to avoid heat stroke. Try to avoid exercising during the hottest part of the day. , which is between 12:00 and 17:00.

The best times for outdoor sports in the summer are early morning or evening—around 8 p.m. onward. If you live in a big city, it’s also a good idea to try to avoid air pollution. If you’re looking to train, the best times are early morning or evening.

Running is a popular summer sport, but as with any outdoor activity, there are a few things to keep in mind. At Mundo Fitness, we’re here to share some tips on the best exercises for runners. You can find out more by clicking the button below.

3. Make sure you’re dressed for the weather when you’re exercising in the summer

When you’re doing sports in summer, don’t just ask your clothes to be comfortable. Now is the time to choose loose-fitting, breathable clothing. The best material for your clothes, whether it’s a T-shirt, tracksuit, or socks, is something that lets your skin breathe.

This material helps the air to circulate inside, keeping you cool. The same goes for shoes. When it comes to sneakers, don’t just settle for ones that let you train comfortably. They should also be breathable.

4. Protect yourself from the sun!

Another thing to consider when playing outdoor sports in the summer is the sun. Even on days when the sun isn’t visible and the sky seems overcast, you can still get sunburned. Make sure you use the right sunscreen to avoid damaging your skin.

If you don’t have a tan or you’re fair-skinned, it’s best to choose a sunscreen with a high SPF. Go for a light cream that won’t run or smear, and make sure you put it on your forearms and face.

5. If you feel the heat getting to you, take a break

It’s not the time for extreme physical activity, especially if you’re doing it outside. Dehydration and high temperatures can throw your body out of balance. If you notice any of these symptoms both during and after your workout, it’s best to stop.

  • If you feel dizzy or lose your balance, stop.
  • Headache.
  • You might also notice a loss of efficiency.
  • You might also notice a loss of strength.
  • You might also get cramps in your abdomen or legs.
  • You might also notice feeling tired or exhausted.
  • Another thing to look out for is contractures.
  • Lipotimias.
  • You might also notice your skin is warmer than usual.
  • You may also experience thirst.

If you notice any of the following when you stop exercising: a severe headache, a very high body temperature that doesn’t go down, serious contractures with muscle spasms, lipothymia, or severe exhaustion, it’s best to see a doctor.

6. It’s important to recover well after any activity

but it’s especially crucial during the summer when we’re all more active. It’s a good idea to moisturize your skin from time to time during your workout. You can also take contrast baths or go for a cold water bath after training.

It’s also important to get enough sleep. Ideally, you should get between seven and eight hours of sleep a night. If you need more rest because it’s been too hot at night, it’s better to train at a lower intensity for less time.

If you’re always wondering how to avoid stiffness the next day after sports, the article “How to Avoid Stiffness After Doing Sports” will give you some great tips.

7. It’s important to eat a diet that suits the time of year

As you know, when it comes to looking after yourself, it’s not just about what you do, but also what you eat. It’s also important to know what to eat after you work out. It’s important to have a balanced diet. If you’re into sports in the summer, you’ll find the Mediterranean diet guidelines useful.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure you get plenty of fruit and fresh foods before you start exercising in the summer sun. Eating fruits with lots of carbohydrates and water, such as melon and watermelon, in moderation is a great idea. Try taking a couple of slices of melon with water before you start running. This type of food is great for replenishing fluids after you’ve been active, and it provides minerals and vitamins.
  • Choose cool drinks that are pretty warm. Water and isotonic drinks are great additions to your diet. You can add juices, protein, and carbohydrates to these liquids, but try to drink them fresh and not cold to absorb them properly, even if you’re tempted to drink them cold.
  • If you’re looking for a quick energy boost, nuts are a great option. They’re packed with fiber and nutrients that can give you an extra boost before you start your day.
    Milk is a great post-workout recovery drink. It’s packed with essential macronutrients and micronutrients. If you can, go for skim milk.

The bottom line

Staying active during the summer is important, but you need to take a few extra steps to make sure you stay safe and effective. Staying hydrated, choosing the right time of day to exercise, wearing appropriate clothing, protecting yourself from the sun, and taking breaks when necessary will help you enjoy your summer workouts without risking heat-related issues.

It’s also important to focus on recovery, maintain a diet suitable for the season, and listen to your body. With these tips, you can achieve your fitness goals while enjoying the summer weather safely.

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