TRX Exercises for Strength Training
If you’re not familiar with TRX exercises, they’re suspension training. In this form, you hold your hands or feet on the TRX while the rest of your body is supported on the ground. Thus, you work out, building strength, mobility, and flexibility.
Rear Lunges
Grab the TRX with your hands and keep your arms straight as you bring your right knee down. As you lower and bend your right leg, make sure your left leg is at a 45° angle. Do ten reps on each leg.
Next, we’ll move on to squats with rowing. Start in the same position as before, with your arms straight. Keep your back straight as you make a 30° angle. In other words, you’re making a half V with your body and the TRX. With your arms supporting your weight, do a squat. When you return to the starting position, push yourself forward by bending your arms. Do 15 reps.
Suspension lunges are similar to rear strides but in reverse. Instead of holding on with your hands, you hold on with your feet. Place one foot on the TRX and take a step, maintaining your balance without holding on to anything.
If you want to be more stable, put your hands on your waist or stretch out in the shape of an “L.” Just a heads-up: Your other leg should make a 45° angle as you come down. Do ten reps on each leg.
Hip Raises
Lie on the floor and hold onto the TRX with your feet. Next, lift your hips. It’s important to breathe correctly to avoid getting tired. Do ten reps.
Mountain Climbers
Get down on your knees and put your feet on the TRX. Use your arms to help you stay balanced horizontally. It’s important to keep your hips in a fixed position throughout this exercise so they don’t drop or rise. Once you’re in position, bend one leg and then the other without stopping. It’s like you’re climbing endless stairs. Complete 20 reps.
One-legged squats
Start with your arms straight and at a 30° angle, as before, but this time, put one foot up. Next, do a squat with the other leg straight out in front of you. Just a heads-up: Keep your arms straight. Do ten reps with each leg.
Biceps Curl Crunches
Lie on the floor with your legs bent and arms straight. Once you’re on the floor, use your arms to pull yourself up until you reach the TRX with your body. Do 15 reps.
Pike push-up
Put your feet on the TRX so your legs form an inverted V. Once you’re in position, do push-ups with your arms. Do 10 push-ups.
Hanging Plank with Openings
Start in the same position as the mountain climber exercise. Get into a face-down position with your feet in suspension and your arms straight. Just lift your knees off the floor (plank) and keep your legs slightly apart. Keep your legs open and closed while your body stays still. Do 20 reps.
Chest press
For this exercise, turn your back to the TRX and hold on to it with your hands. Make an angle of 30° with your body and stretch your arms and legs fully. In this position, lean forward with your arms and bend backward when your body reaches the TRX. Do 10 reps.