Tips on How To Do Glute Exercises On A Cardio Machine
When you’re at the gym, you want to get the most out of your workout. That means burning as many calories as possible while defining and toning your muscles. If you want to work your glutes on a cardio machine and get them firm and toned, it’s important to choose the right machine before you start your workout.
Glute firmness and toning is something that concerns women and men of all ages, which is why so many people choose to train their glutes on machines.
The treadmill is great for getting your heart rate up and can help reduce the risk of diabetes or hypertension by up to 90% if you use it for 30 minutes twice a week. However, there are other ways you can use the treadmill to tone your gluteal muscles and show them off better than anyone else.
Exercises on the Treadmill
Treadmills offer a full and varied workout, depending on the speed and incline. We suggest you take it slow, without using the handrails, to get a good workout for your arms and legs.
Here are three exercises you can do on a treadmill to tone your glutes:
1. gentle but intense strides or lunges
2. With the treadmill running at a slow pace and facing forward, spread your legs as far apart in front of you as you can and try to bend the knee of the leg behind you until it almost touches the treadmill. Do this for one minute and 30 seconds.
This will get your heart pumping and make you feel the burn in your glutes and quads.
2. Walking on Your Side
Stand sideways on the treadmill at a moderate speed and walk sideways. When you reach the end of the treadmill, take a small jump, squat down, and stand up to repeat the movement. Repeat this exercise for two minutes, then slow your heart rate by walking on the treadmill at a medium pace.
This exercise is great for strengthening balance and concentration and, of course, firming glutes and legs.
3. One leg at a time
Stand at the end of the treadmill at a slow speed, hold on to the sides, and do a squat by sliding one foot on the treadmill while the other is fixed on the side of the machine. Focus your strength on the leg that’s moving.
Do this exercise for two minutes, and then use the treadmill at a medium speed to stabilize your heart rate. Repeat with your other leg and focus on your breathing again. This exercise is great for toning your glutes and strengthening your legs.
Glute exercises on the Cybex Arc Trainer
One of the new things gyms are offering is a machine that lets you work your glutes in an arc-shaped movement. The Cybex Arc Trainer machine forces you to stretch your legs and give your glutes more mobility and strength.
It’s not an elliptical or a stair climber, but it’s a glute machine if we use it to work this part of the body. Here are two exercises you can do on the Cybex Arc Trainer to tone your glutes:
1. Increase the intensity to work the glutes
The elliptical trainer simulates an incline ride, but this glute machine can give us the toning we want for our glutes while maintaining force control to follow the motion. This increases our energy demand and calorie burn. If you keep this up for about ten minutes, you’ll be strengthening the glutes and ischia.
Just remember, you’re in control of the machine’s intensity. Depending on the resistance you have, you can set it to medium, high, or even extremely high.
2. Lunges and pull-ups
The Arc Trainer works as a glute machine with the Pikes-Peak program, which imitates inclines as if it were a glute step machine. The positions are offset (low), stride (medium), and rise (high), which together tone the glutes and the front of the thighs.
Machine Exercises For Your Glutes
Stair climbing is a great way to tone your legs and glutes while also testing your cardiovascular system. It is also a great way to get a quick and complete tightening of the glutes, and there are so many different exercises you can do with it! Just try to extend your hips as far as you can before transferring the weight to the other foot.
Another way to tone and strengthen the glutes is with TRX glute exercises. This is a suspension and body weight-based training method.
In this workout, the exerciser’s hands or feet are kept suspended at an anchor point on the bands while the other part of the body rests on the floor. We’ll show you some exercises you can do with the TRX to tone your Glute:
1. Squats
Stretch both ends of the TRX belt with your arms and lean back, leaving your body suspended. Then, lift one leg straight up while bending the knee of the opposite leg.
If you want to make the exercise more intense, do a jump and come back down with the same leg you pushed off with. Do this five times with each leg, then take a short break and repeat the exercise three times.
2. Lunges
If you do strides without suspension, you’ll see a visible effect on the glutes, but with the TRX, you’ll get even better results. Just suspend one leg from the TRX while the other remains straight. This will make your legs work while stretching and shrinking the suspended leg. If you jump, the intensity of the exercise will be higher.
Do three sets of 10 to 15 stretches on each leg. Rest between each set, always alternating legs.
It’s also important to remember to stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet when doing gluteal exercises on a machine.